
My name is Tasi Glass and I’m a piano teacher with 17 years of full time teaching experience. I have both my Teacher’s A.R.C.T. and Performer’s A.R.C.T. from the Royal Conservatory of Music, and I love piano and teaching!!

Now when I say I love the piano – I really do mean it. As a child I was a competitive gymnast, but doing both piano and gymnastics took up too much time and I eventually had to choose between the two. While I did love flipping around – I loved playing the piano more. 

I do spend a lot of time teaching piano – but I also love practicing and improving my own abilities. Here’s a confession – I sometimes judge if activities with people are worth giving up practicing the piano for… not everyone or every event makes the cut. 

I’ve taught around the GTA, but in the summer of 2019 moved to Barrie and am enjoying being part of the community. Things have changed drastically this past year, dealing with Covid-19, but I have been using this time to build my business and skills behind the scenes. 

I’ll be blogging to muse about life as a piano teacher and performer.

If you’re interested in piano and/or theory lessons, a solo performance, an accompanist, or if you’re even just looking for a duet partner, you can contact me at: [email protected]