Blob (High C), blob (F#), blob (G)

Have you heard of the blob? Actually, it’s called the Blob chorus. It’s an app that I often use while teaching young children. 

One of the things students first learn is pitch. It’s about training their ear to notice the different sounds that different notes make. Some kids are naturally musical, and they can pick out notes by ear quite quickly and easily. Other kids need more help.

I might use the Blob Chorus for about 3-5 minutes in some lessons. The Blob Chorus is a tool that helps children identify pitch. It’s a game where there are a few blobs, and each sings a note.  After all the regular blobs have sang their notes, the Blob King sings a note. Children then pick which regular blob sang the same note as the king. If they get it right, they’re presented with new blobs singing new notes. If they get it wrong – the blob they picked explodes!

Here’s something I’ve noticed – most of the boys love, love, love this app. I have one student who is not quite 4. He’s the type of kid who is just happy all the time, always smiling. Always excited for his lessons. But he is a prime example of a little boy who just looooooves the Blob Chorus. Some girls, on the other hand, are actually afraid when the blob explodes! I get it – it’s a bit sudden, (although I kind of love it)!

For kids that are really good at identifying pitch, I can adjust the app to a higher degree of difficulty – more blobs singing notes more closely together. For children that don’t quite have an affinity for pitch, we can start easier – maybe only two blob choices. 

It’s a great tool to help kids learn about pitch, but also one that I can adapt to each child’s level. We only use it for a few minutes at a time – I don’t want piano lessons to become about screen time! But because it’s a game, because it’s an app, and because it’s cartoony… it has become a great teaching tool.