I say, you say, we all say PLAY!

Earlier, I talked about how some children can feel overwhelmed with piano. Sometimes, that’s because it’s one more place in their life where they don’t feel like they have any control.

But the piano can be an escape- even for the tiny ones. 

When small children first begin learning piano, we don’t spend the full thirty minutes on one thing – that’s way too long for them.  I break up the lessons into various activities such as different rhythm exercises, improv, ear training, and note drawing, as well as learning and practicing pieces together of course.

They sometimes have the choice of what we do in class. I like to give them options so that they have a sense of control. Some of them don’t want to make the decision, and that’s ok too! With the more timid ones I just guide them through the lesson and tell them what we’re going to do next. They eventually start to open up and might hint at what their favourite activity is. This is the signal for me to see if they might make a decision when presented with options now. 

This helps with their decisions making skills. I might give them two or three choices (not so many that they’re overwhelmed by choices). 

It also teaches kids about following through. Once they make the decision, we have to stick with it.  Sometimes a child will decide really quickly – like one student I have, who is 6 years old. He’s so excitable, which is great! One day I gave him the choice of improv or ear training games. Without thinking, he chose ear training games. (No doubt this had something to do with the word ‘games’ being included in that selection ☺️). Well, about one minute into his choice, he wanted to switch to the other option. This is where I let him know that we have to stick with the choice he made, and finish activity. Then, of course, we usually end up doing the other activity he wanted to try as well! 😀 Sometimes we actually end up getting more done this way, although I keep that little secret to myself 😉

A small learning, but over time, this little boy learned to consider the options and stick with his choices. It takes time, but it’s just one more way that piano lessons go beyond music and provide children with life skills. 💪