Tuning Out

To start off, I will answer Seymour’s first question from our zoom class.
The question was this: Why do you study music?

Answer: I love music. It’s what keeps me going. It’s always been there for me as a comfort and a challenge throughout my life. I would go as far as to say that it’s brought me back to life a few times. It offers an escape from the trials of life when I need it most, and with absolutely no negative effects. Only positive. I always feel better after a practice session, even if I was already feeling good to begin with. Music is constantly pushing me to new limits. All around, it helps me to be a better person. I teach music because I want for other people to be able to have this as well. It really makes a difference in a human being. 

I continue to study music because the more I know about piano and music, the better teacher I will be. Sure, it can be a love/hate relationship at times! But that’s part of the beauty of it. It’s something that will be with you until the end, no matter what. 

Plus (and this is a huge plus!)… being in music, you get to meet some truly remarkable and brilliant people. This is so inspiring in life!! 

To those of you who have read my blog- thank you! It has been nice to know these words weren’t just lost in the wind. 

A (school) year long project… and one out of my comfort zone… I’m happy to say I have completed this goal! What a relief to finally be at the finish line 😀 I’m not saying I’ll never write a blog post again! I’m just not going to commit to doing it every week. I’m sure that my handful of readers will survive 😉 I’ll take it casually next school year, and just write when I’m inspired to write, if there’s something to write about. Here’s hoping that there is!! This blog has got me thinking about my teaching and piano life in a slightly different way. Usually, I just go about living it. By removing myself from it to write about it, I’ve gained a bit of a different perspective- always a good thing!

I wanted to send a special thank you out to my friend Christina Philips! Without you, this blog would never have existed. Thank you!! 🤗

If anyone has any questions, or topics you would like me to write about, please feel free to contact me directly at [email protected]

I hope everyone has a beautiful, relaxing, and safe summer this year! 

Ciao for now‼️😌🎶💞☀️🎹

For those of you who don’t have Facebook, I’ve included my recital video here. Enjoy!