Polonaise Workshop/Master Class Part II

September is always a busy month with going back to school. It takes a few weeks to get everyone’s schedules sorted out and back into a practice routine. Add a couple of master classes to the mix, and the whole month just flies by! 

My first event was a Polonaise weekend. It began with a workshop delivered by Jarred Dunn. Having lived and studied in Poland for a number of years, he has insight into this music that few people in Canada have to offer. He illuminates the music of Chopin and the Polish culture, which enriches our practice and performance of the music. 
The next day was a master class with Polish teacher Krzysztof Jabłoński, who I had never met before but had heard great things about. And great, he certainly is! Such a fabulous pianist, and a jolly person! It was very entertaining to see him working with the other students, and incredibly inspiring. Some of the pieces he hadn’t touched since he was in high school, yet it seemed so natural and effortless for him to play them, regardless of how technically demanding they were. 

I loved his camera setup! He had about 4 or 5 different cameras arranged at different angles, and could switch between them with the click of a button. Need to see what he’s doing with the pedal? No problem! Care for a zoom in on the LH? Coming right up! Of course he had a camera facing him straight on, so you could watch his animated expressions as he explained things to you. 

I would be delighted to have an opportunity to learn from prof. Jabłoński again in the future! Thank you, Jarred, for arranging yet another successful and inspiring musical weekend! 

As always, if anyone is interested in trying something like this out- let me know! Spectators are welcome, as well as playing participants. 

Check out these videos of Jabłoński! The first is him playing a Polonaise, and in the second you can hear him talk a bit about Polish music and play the E Minor Chopin Concerto.