A Fuller Yesterday

I always enjoy the challenge of learning a new piece. Sometimes the beginning stages can be hard because we think we should be learning it faster, but that’s all part of the fun! Dive in and work out the musical and technical issues- this can offer a great escape from the challenges of everyday life. Go ahead and get lost in the music, and enjoy the process of learning it! 

As a continuation of my previous 2 blog posts: 

I’ve added repeated chords in the left hand, with varying rhythms for repeats. There are also extra chord notes added to the right hand, underneath the melody notes. This one is written in the key that it was recorded, so you can try playing along with the YouTube video once you’ve really got it down! 

With each song you learn, you can follow these 3 stages. Each time you do it, it will be that much easier than the last. Eventually you’ll be able to skip step 1 altogether! Just start with both hands at the same time- melody in the right hand and simple solid chords in the left. You’ll find that your ear is leading your fingers to where they need to go in the melody. You might be inspired to figure out the melody of a chorus all on your own. Maybe you get through that so quickly you end up learning one of the verses in the same day. If you’re really adventurous, you might try adding some notes in the left hand to support the melody. To figure out all of the chords for the left hand you might need a couple theory lessons. But don’t worry- this doesn’t always mean ‘homework’… much of music theory can be done at the piano! 

When I teach, I teach you what you want to know. But behind the scenes, I’m trying to sneak in as much extra information as possible, to equip you with the tools to figure things out on your own in the future! There will always be more for me to show you. It’s still nice to know that you will have learned not just one song, but acquired some of the skills needed in order to learn more! 
The Beatles- Yesterday

4 thoughts on “A Fuller Yesterday

  1. Joan Giffin

    Lovely playing Tasi! I am your mom’s friend from the cottage. I am wondering if you are teaching theory virtually. Would you please let me know?
    I hope you and your mom are keeping well, and staying safe.
    Thank you,
    Joan Giffin

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