ATTENTION: Recital Month Approaching!

Due to our current situation, live recitals are not an option. This is the single most exciting thing we are missing out on in regards to piano lessons. BUT, we have the next best thing- video recitals! 😍

Everyone benefits from recitals! 💯

The students (as terrified as they may be in the moment) love it! They get a chance to dress up and show off for everyone. It’s their time to shine! ✨ It helps them to become stronger, more confident and mature individuals. It’s no easy task to play in front of an audience, and the feeling of accomplishment and self respect that is gained from doing this is invaluable. 😌

The parents! It’s so wonderful to see all the proud (and nervous) parents supporting their kids! All the pictures and the videos, and the conversations that often lead to new friendships. Families start looking forward to seeing the same people at the concerts, returning year after year for such an exciting event. It offers a sense of community and support. They are able to share their sense of pride when their child gets up on stage to perform. ❤️

I usually arrange to have our recitals at a retirement or nursing home. The residents just LOVE to hear the students play. Often they start singing along to the songs they know, and they are always incredibly encouraging with the students! 🥰 I know they are all sad to be deprived of this for so long. 

And of course, there’s me. It’s a lot of work to organize something like this, but well worth it! I love to see all the fancy outfits and excited kids. I feel a sense of pride when I see all the hard work the students and I have done together put into action, on display for everyone to enjoy. Aside from all the fun, recitals also teach me a lot about the students. Seeing them outside of our lesson time allows me to learn more about their personalities and how they interact with others. I am able to see how they respond to the pressures of performance, and how this affects their playing. Some students actually play better in front of a crowd! And if they don’t, then I am inspired with new ideas to better help them with their piano and performance skills! 💖

Stay tuned for the upcoming Facebook recital videos! 🎹💃✨🎶 @glasshouseofmusic