Author: glasshouseofmusic

My Latest Project

As a piano teacher in Barrie, I place ads for my services on Kijiji. Recently, someone contacted me with a very interesting request. They had a recording of their friend singing and playing piano- an original song they had written. She had passed away some years ago, and he wanted the song written down on […]

Parental Involvement

Such a tricky topic! It’s so hard to find the right balance here. It’s absolutely necessary for parents to show an interest in their children’s piano lessons and practice, otherwise the kids themselves won’t be interested. Of course they would be discouraged- they feel like they’re doing something that is boring and nobody cares about. […]

Where it all began

I mentioned in my very first blog post that I was a competitive gymnast as a kid. I was doing 16 hours a week of gymnastics when the piano was first brought into our home. Needless to say, it wasn’t brought there for me. My parents got it for my younger sister. We had a […]

Healing through music

Do you believe music is healing? I’ve talked quite a bit about how music is so helpful to seniors, particularly ones with diseases such as Alzheimer’s and dementia. I see how they light up when I play one of their old favourites, or the way they gently sway to the music in their wheelchair.  What […]

Digital vs Acoustic

Why not both?! Ok, so realistically that’s not usually a viable option. Most people are going digital these days. It’s more affordable,  they’re easier to move, never need to be tuned, and you can use headphones! This means that practice can be done at any time. Even if someone is trying to get an assignment […]

The Vortex

Sometimes I get lost in the vortex, and I know I’m not the only one! You’re on YouTube and you search for a song. There are so many other enticing videos that pop up underneath it. One click leads to the next, and before you know it a half hour has gone by! In one […]

Always Room for Improvement

While Jarred Dunn has achieved a high level of playing, he doesn’t just sit on his laurels. He is always looking to improve. For many of us, when we think of piano lessons, we imagine little children clunking away, or maybe a pre-teen trying to master a popular tune. But professional performers know there is […]

No Beginners Please

In addition to being a professional performer, Jarred is also an excellent teacher – as I can personally attest. Jarred teaches teachers, helping them to develop even when it seems there’s no more time to practice because they’re always teaching. He also accepts younger students who are already aware that they are serious about music. […]

The Green Room

Jarred Dunn is a professional pianist, a Yamaha Artist, and currently works as a piano instructor at McGill University Schulich School of Music. To get to this point, a professional performer often participates in many competitions. For pianists, the world of performing and competing are intertwined. Here are some of Jarred’s thoughts on performing and […]

For the Audience

North America vs Europe – the Classical Music Experience Having lived, worked, studied and performed in North America and Europe (he moved to Poland in September 2014, to further his musical education), Jarred has some clear thoughts on the differences between the two classical music environments. It makes you wonder what  Canadian society and culture […]