Author: glasshouseofmusic

Chopin, Chopin, Chopin

In this post, I interview Jarred about his love of Chopin. Jarred is known as a Chopin expert, and in 2018 was the First Prize and Concerto Award winner of the prestigious Lithuanian International Chopin Competition (Vilnius). What was the highest point in your musical life so far? There are many! One great moment of […]

Blob (High C), blob (F#), blob (G)

Have you heard of the blob? Actually, it’s called the Blob chorus. It’s an app that I often use while teaching young children.  One of the things students first learn is pitch. It’s about training their ear to notice the different sounds that different notes make. Some kids are naturally musical, and they can pick […]

1,2,3,4, 1,2,3,4, 1,2,3,4

When you’re teaching pre-schoolers you need to have energy. Especially for those kids with a lot of energy. You know the ones…they want to jump from activity to activity. You need the energy because you have to keep up with them! But I also want to show them that music, and the piano specifically, is […]

Capturing the Little Ones

At what age should you begin? I think 4 years old is a good age to start. Kids are really starting to pick things up… they’re learning their alphabet and numbers, some are able to tell right from left, and they’re all in school by this age. This past school year (pre-pandemic), I spent one […]


My name is Tasi Glass and I’m a piano teacher with 17 years of full time teaching experience. I have both my Teacher’s A.R.C.T. and Performer’s A.R.C.T. from the Royal Conservatory of Music, and I love piano and teaching!! Now when I say I love the piano – I really do mean it. As a child […]