Christmas Carols

I’ve been asked many times before- do you ever get sick of teaching the same Christmas carols over and over? No! First of all, Christmas music is so beautiful. Secondly, it’s a different experience with every student I teach them to. Thirdly, everyone loves learning their favourite Christmas carol! So how could I possibly get sick of helping someone accomplish a goal that brings them and their loved ones so much joy?! Admittedly, I do get excited when a student asks to play a less common carol though 🤫 And last (but certainly not least), it’s a great way to introduce students to new notes and rhythms! They already know what these songs sound like, so they don’t have to overthink it. It gives them a chance to get familiar with them in a stress-free, enjoyable environment! The next time they see those notes & rhythms they will remember them from the fun Christmas songs they played, which makes it SO much easier to move forwards 😀

As for me playing carols, I always find it to be way more fun when people are singing along. I love to feel that energy in a room. I don’t think I’ll be able to feel the full effect this year due to limitations in gatherings, so I haven’t been playing them nearly as much. But every year I set out to learn a new one! This keeps it more interesting for me, and it’s kind of like a game for my family members waiting to see what it will be each year! This year’s new song is ‘I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas’. You can check out my video on my Facebook page, which will be posted in time for Christmas next week. 🎄