Master Class with Seymour Bernstein

The zoom master class with Seymour this past Sunday was incredible! I learned SO much. It was supposed to be 2 hours but ended up running for 3! The time just flew by. Each student only had 15 minutes of individual attention, but the whole group benefited so much from the entire class. You can learn so much by watching someone else being taught! I had a ton of questions ready to ask him (in standard form of me being over prepared 😊), and we got through quite a few of them. He helped bring my technique to the next level in some particularly challenging passages, and showed me some practice ideas that were extremely helpful. I’m so glad I participated, and am already on the list of participants for the next one! 😀

When Seymour made his surprise appearance at studio class the previous week, he presented us with 2 questions. Today I will answer this one: Why would Jarred invite us to play for other teachers? (Sadly, music teachers are known for being quite territorial over students). 

Here is my answer:

Everyone has a different take on music; a different way in. Sometimes you just need something explained to you in a different way to finally make it click. Or maybe you just need to hear it in the exact same way but from somebody different 😅 to really drive the point home. Someone who hasn’t heard you play before might notice something that your regular teacher hasn’t addressed because they have been focusing on other things. It’s easy to get lost in the process of developing a particular skill, so it’s always good to have a fresh pair of ears and eyes! 

Music is very personal; you need to make it your own. If you’re only hearing input from one other voice, that makes it more challenging to do. Opening yourself up to different ideas makes it easier to find what works for you. Options are always a good thing!

It’s also good from a performance aspect, because you’re playing in front of someone formidable and unfamiliar. It really takes you out of your comfort zone, which is vital for growth. 

I have always encouraged my higher level students to take lessons with other teachers as well, and will continue to make this part of my practice. Two of my adult students attended this seminar as spectators, and they both loved it! 

Share the knowledge!! 🤓🎶🧡