My Latest Project

As a piano teacher in Barrie, I place ads for my services on Kijiji. Recently, someone contacted me with a very interesting request. They had a recording of their friend singing and playing piano- an original song they had written. She had passed away some years ago, and he wanted the song written down on paper. This way he could share a special part of her that still lived on, with her friends and family. 

It was quite a time consuming project, with lots of ‘stop & rewind’ on the recording, but well worth the effort! When something is meaningful like this, it is inspiration in itself. After having finished the project, I was full of new energy to dig deeper into the pieces I’d already been practicing for months. This is one reason I will take on any musical challenge- it offers a different perspective, which is a very helpful thing!

Although my work was finished, the project was not. He is going to bring the music to a tattoo artist and have them tattoo part of it on his arm! Such a sincere gesture that will help keep her alive through art and song.