Parental Involvement

Such a tricky topic! It’s so hard to find the right balance here. It’s absolutely necessary for parents to show an interest in their children’s piano lessons and practice, otherwise the kids themselves won’t be interested. Of course they would be discouraged- they feel like they’re doing something that is boring and nobody cares about. Kids want to be where the action is! So how do you bring the action to them without intruding in their learning process? Ask questions! Arrange a weekly home performance! Give a virtual performance to grandparents on a regular basis! Sit in the room with them while they practice! You don’t necessarily have to practice WITH them- just knowing you are in the same room can make a huge difference!! Then it becomes more of a quality time activity than a chore. 

This is one of the pitfalls of music lessons- practicing can seem lonely at times. And for kids especially, this is not something they want to endure. BUT, when something like a pandemic hits, practicing your instrument can be some of the best (and safest) company you can have! 

My Dad learned piano alongside me for about a year! There came a point where he just could not keep up. This was inevitable, of course, since kids are able to climb a much steeper learning curve once they get into it. Just the fact that my Dad was interested enough to listen to the teacher and try to practice a little on his own made a HUGE difference in my learning. It made me that much more excited about it! And even after my Dad stopped learning, he always asked questions (both me and the teacher), and always wanted to hear what I was practicing. My Mom would sit at the kitchen table every morning before school and have her tea while I practiced for half an hour. Even though my Mom had no interest in learning herself, her being there with me was comforting and encouraging. 

I just love it when I see parents who are as excited about piano lessons as their child. I know this means I will have support on my end, and more importantly that the kid will have support and encouragement at home. Because no matter how much I can pump them up in class- that’s only once a week. The majority of the work is done at home. 

Thank you to all of those wonderfully inspiring parents out there!! 🤗