Scared to Perform? Practice Performing!

Some people never want to play for anyone else’s ears, and that’s ok. But music is meant to be heard! It’s meant to be shared, and this will only make you that much better (as a musician AND as a person) if you do. It will help make you stronger and braver, and take you out of your comfort zone! And just like anything else… the more you do it, the easier it will get because you WILL get better at it. As terrifying as it might be those first few times, it does get easier! I know this because I have always suffered greatly from stage fright. It could be 35 degrees celsius and my hands are still freezing cold, due to nerves. This makes it extremely difficult to play, especially when you combine it with trembling due to nerves (which I suffer from as well)! It’s not usually visible, but I feel it big time, and my playing does suffer because of it. But you will be surprised at how encouraging and appreciative people can be about your playing, no matter what level you’re at. It can be so inspiring and motivating to hear feedback from your listeners. Start with playing for just one other person- someone you really trust. Then branch out from there as you become more comfortable. Remember, the majority of the population doesn’t know how to play anything on the piano. So even if you’re just playing a 5-finger melody, you’re ahead of the game! 💪

Here is my first recorded performance of Brahms Intermezzo (op.118, no.2)