The Vortex

Sometimes I get lost in the vortex, and I know I’m not the only one! You’re on YouTube and you search for a song. There are so many other enticing videos that pop up underneath it. One click leads to the next, and before you know it a half hour has gone by! In one listening session I might have listened to 10 new songs I like and discovered a new artist or two who I am interested to hear more from. It’s incredible, the amount of music that we have access to these days. I remember using dial up internet and waiting 3 hours for one song to download! It would take me a week to make one CD. Now we have endless hours of music available in no time at all, including pre-made playlists for every mood. How satisfying!

Every once in a while, somewhere in the vortex, I find a gem. Here’s the most recent one I stumbled across. Enjoy!